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Register for the Tabletop Exercise Wednesday, April 30, 2025 from 8:30-11:30AM CT

In collaboration with HAPevolve, CHI Health will be hosting a VIRTUAL Tabletop Exercise (TTX) for its 30-hospital network, aimed at evaluating each hospital’s preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities in the event of an emergency incident.

CHI Health hospitals will assemble their teams to participate virtually in this exercise. HAPevolve strongly recommends gathering in a single conference room, as we will present a series of evolving scenarios for your team to assess and respond to. After each scenario, there will be an opportunity for your team to share your strategies and best practices, allowing colleagues from other facilities to learn and gain valuable insights.

When: VIRTUAL on April 30, 2025 from 8:30-11:30 AM Central Time 

Who: Please have your team that you would normally have respond to incident. We suggest the following members of your team:

  1. Leadership
  2. Nursing leaders (i.e., DON, nurse supervisors, etc.)
  3. Emergency manager (or whoever leads your emergency management initiatives), facilities manager, etc.
  4. Other members you think would benefit from practicing

Please register below! If multiple members of your team will be participating, please be sure to have them register as well.


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